Remember Paul Newman’s Porsche 935 That Adam Carolla Bought? Watch Him Drive it for the FIrst Time!

It was just under a year-a-go that Adam Carolla jumped head first into the Porsche market with the purchase of…


Porsche Cars North America Sales by Model: July 2017

Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (PCNA), announced July 2017 sales earlier this week of 3,901 vehicles. This is a .6%…

Pepper Girl

Porsche Cars Canada Sales By Model: July 2017

Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. (PCL), reported July monthly sales earlier this week of 770 total Porsches delivered. This is the…

Pepper Girl

Jay Leno Drives Workshop 5001’s 911s

Marlon Goldberg of Workshop 5001 has quite a bit of experience modifying air-cooled 911s. In addition to running his own…

Chris Cushing

Our Favorite Porsches on Ebay: Volume 91

We've been compiling some amazing Porsche models on eBay for over two years now, and we've seen some pretty astonishing…

Pepper Girl

Porsche Cartoon

Does this remind you of anyone? Sure seems familiar to us...

Jerry King

What Kind of Porsche Could you Buy for $180k Twenty Five Years Ago?

Wait, there was a Porsche for sale 25-years ago that cost $180k? No, not really. Instead, in 1994, the 928…

Pepper Girl

How To Fix Stone Chips on Your Porsche

When it comes to detailing Porsches there's probably no one better known at this point then Larry Kosilla of AMMO…

Pepper Girl

Parts Obsolete and Attending the Emory Porsche Campout

This year Porsche owners and enthusiasts knew they were in for a treat. The fabled Emory Campout was being brought…

Rhys Haydon

Watch Pro Golfer Marcel Siem Win a Panamera Turbo Sport Turismo With Amazing Hole-in-One

"Swish". That's the sound you associate when a basketball player puts the ball through the hoop and hits "nothing but…

Pepper Girl