Lizards Miss Podium but Extend Lead Regardless

The #45 Flying Lizard Porsche 911 GT3 RSR were not able to score their six straight American Le Mans Series…


Do You Know The Way to Monterey?

Okay, so maybe not the exact lyrics of the song, but you get the idea? How many of you are…


The Beginning of the End of the Beginning (or something like that).

In an announcement today that surprised few and confused many, Porsche and Volkswagen made news by releasing information about their…


Lizards Fly Five For Five

Almost every ALMS driver looked to the skies with a frown on Saturday morning as it rained overnight and was…


Porsche’s Results in Round 9 of the Grand-Am Series in the Crown Royal 200 at Watkins Glen

Len Keen (Charleston, SC) and Dirk Werner (Germany) drove the #87 Farnbacher Loles Racing Porsche 911 GT3 Cup to a…


Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, Porsche and the PCA

The 27th Annual Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix (www.pvgp.org) was held on Sunday, July 19th. This culminated 10 days of events…


The $200K+ Porsche Refrigerator

If your suits and shoes are bespoke, why not your Panamera too? Porsche has always offered custom options through their…


Is it the Right Time to Buy the Porsche of your Dreams?

If I had to define different groups of Porsche owners, I would probably place them in one of two groups:…


What Does Porsche have that’s Bigger and Faster than the Panamera?

I'll give you a hint, it has wings and a much bigger trunk... If it wasn't official before, it certainly…


How Did They Do That? Oh, Wait. They Didn’t!

In Porsche's last full fiscal year they reported more profit than revenue. A fiscal impossibility you say? Not so, if…
