This is Pure Porsche Fan Porn! A Video History of one of the Best Known Porsche Builders; Ruf.
The more I research and write for this blog the more I enjoy what the internet has to offer. You…
The more I research and write for this blog the more I enjoy what the internet has to offer. You…
Porsche is not known for making many announcements about their financial position (good or bad) it's one of the things…
Last week we had posted an article regarding a road test of the new Nissan GT-R, its performance and the…
I was driving by a friend's office the other day and noticed a new sports coupe parked where I was…
This following video is narrated in German (auf Deutsch), but the sound of the motor and the driving speak for…
I recently received an email from one of my readers (thanks Kirk) that provided the catalyst for this post on Service…
WHAT IS A PORSCHE CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY? - A Porsche Certificate of Authenticity is a valuable document that comes directly…
I normally don't post on the weekend. Instead, I use the time to write my posts for the upcoming week.…
I received an email the other day from a new member of the 993 family. He had just purchased his…
We saw this the other day. It is supposed to air during the Superbowl and will be Porsche's first U.S.…