Categories: Humor

Is Arctic Cat’s Porsche Crushing Marketing Stunt Backfiring?

Yesterday, Arctic Cat uploaded a video titled, “Wildcat Porsche Crusher”. The video features their sport side-by-side 4×4 the “Wildcat” driving (they call it crushing) up and over a Porsche 911. As the Wildcat comes over the top of the Porsche the announcer says, “The Wildcat, more fun than the usual midlife crisis.” Here, watch for yourself.

While I’m fairly impressed with the way the 4 x 4 goes up and over the 911, I’m not sure I like their suggestion. More importantly, I hate the fact that they did this to a Porsche. If we’re talking mid-life crisis shouldn’t they have used a Corvette? Maybe the Corvette was simply too big for the Wildcat to get over? 🙂

Will the Video Come Back to Bite Them?

Most comments on the video (viewed nearly 15,000 times as of writing this post) are less than complimentary and I’ve already seen a few forum posts deriding it. Maybe that’s what Arctic Cat wanted? All publicity is good publicity, right? There getting a free plug here, after-all.

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View Comments (7)

  • I wionder if the ad executive who thought up this foolishness found a way to buy the damaged 911, repair it, and is now driving it.

  • Marketing 101: Tell your potential customers why your product is superior to the competition, don't knock other products.

  • There must be more to this story. Article Cat is still a small organization who would not waste a 100 large on a car for a TV spot. This has to be a photoshop modified ad. However, it did accomplish any advertisements #1 goal... Get you to remember it by cutting thru the clutter with creative content. If I was an Arctic Cat shareholder , I'd be looking for an explanation.

    • $100K? Probably not. Look at the front headlights and the overall shape of the profile. It looks like a 996 (an early one) with a body kit. Let's assume it has high miles and a salvage title and was just made to look pretty: $15k. That's not taking into account how much they will sell it for after the fact. Now, if it were a nice, normally aspirated 996 with reasonable to low miles you might be in the mid 30 range... Either way, it's memorable. I'm also not sure if this ran on TV or just via their YouTube channel.

      • Definitely a 911. You are correct about price though. That's an older one. Probably only worth 40k at best.

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