Does Your PCA Region Need Content for their Newsletter?

We know from first hand experience how difficult a job it is to curate content each month. We can only imagine it’s even more so for those who volunteer to edit their local PCAN newsletter, what with work, family and life in general getting in the way. That’s why whenever we receive a request to reprint one of our articles in a local PCA newsletter we never hesitate to answer in the affirmative. In fact, requests to reprint PorschePurist articles have increased significantly lately. As a result, we thought we would simply make this announcement. If your region would like to reprint something you’ve read here on FlatSixes.com, please feel free to do so and pass this post along to the appropriate person!. All we ask is that you follow a few simple suggestions that we’ll outline below.

Why Are We Doing This

We know how hard it can be to create fresh Porsche content and do so on a regular basis. You see, we’ve been publishing FLATSIXES.com for over four years now and have written more than a 1000 posts. Sometimes they come easily, other times it’s difficult to come up with subject matter that’s going to get emailed to thousands and thousand of readers. While some of our content consists of time sensitive news bulletins, the majority of our archives can be considered “ever-green”. In other words, our original content is always relevant and simply won’t expire.

We love reading our local PCA newsletter and appreciate the effort that goes into publishing it. We feel that if work we’ve previously published can provide entertainment or information to a local region and help out a local PCA editor at the same time, then it’s a win-win for everyone.

How to Republish FlatSixes.com’s Articles

Feel free to search through all or old posts using the menu system found on any page of our site. If you find something you would like to use, simply copy it and publish at will. If you want help finding something, just let us know and we’ll gladly recommend any number of posts on a myriad of subjects. We only have a few simple requests:

1. If using in a print version of your newsletter, simply include a “byline” at the beginning or end of the article that acknowledges the post was originally published on FLATSIXES.com (and maybe encourage your readers to check us out) 🙂

2. If you publish your newsletter on the web we ask that you just summarize the story and then link back to the original story here on FLATSIXES.com

3. If your local PCA web-site has a link section, please consider adding “FLATSIXES.com – the blog about Porsche” as a link. A good number of our readers are also PCA members and we enjoy meeting members from other regions and chapters.

4. Lastly, if you remember, reach out and let us know. We love to meet other newsletter editors and we’re getting friendly with many across the country. You can use our contact link on the site or email us directly at pca at flatsixes.com.

That’s it. Just read, copy and use as needed. While we reach 1000s of reader with these announcements your local newsletter editor may or may not receive this. So, please forward along to the appropriate people in your region and let us know if there’s anything we can help with.

Enjoy Your Porsche and Happy Reading!

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