Porsche Magazines: What’s Available for the Porsche Fan.

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I’m a pretty voracious reader. I have fairly eclectic tastes and tend to read all sorts of different genres when it comes to books. However, when it comes to my Porsche, I don’t have a huge amount of choices. Today’s post is a listing of the resources, I’m aware of, (in Magazine format) for the Porsche fan. What I’m hoping is that you, loyal reader, (as Stephen King would say) will see the list below and gently guide me to ones I might be missing.

I have subscriptions to the following Porsche centric magazines:

What’s interesting to me about the magazines listed above is that more than half of them are published outside of the United States. Christophorus, as the “official” Porsche magazine, is understandably published in Germany. However, to have two of the remaining three published in the UK (I’m not counting Panorama, as it’s not something you can buy in the store or at the newsstand) seems odd. The U.S. is arguably Porsche’s largest market, yet Excellence is the only magazine published here. Anyone car to guess why? I don’t know, but I’m very interested. Is there opportunity for a new player in this space?

I also have subscriptions to the following non Porsche Specific car and lifestyle magazines:

I’ve included links to Amazon for each of the magazines above. The point of this post isn’t for me to sell subscriptions. I’m more interested in know what you read and if there is anything I’m missing. Please let me know by commenting if there are other resources or magazines I might me missing.

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