4 Reasons Porsche is the Benchmark for all other Supercars

In light of all the recent press regarding the Porsche vs. Nissan Rivalry, we wanted to broach an old, but…


Who or What Caused the Porsche vs. Nissan Rivalry?

Prior to the GT-R bursting onto the scene, Nissan and Porsche were not competitors. They serve(d) two completely different market…


Air Powered Engine gets Compressed into Porsche Boxster

Alternative powered vehicles are all the rage right now. Earlier this week there was speculation about an electric Cayman by…


A Simple Solution to the Whole Nissan GT-R vs. Porsche Debate

Just when the fire(s) started by the Nissan GT-R vs. (insert most any Porsche model here) had started to burn…


Porsche Improves Power and Fuel Economy

The following press release from Porsche couldn't have come at a more opportune time. With yesterday's post on an electric…


Ruf to Introduce an Electric Porsche Cayman

An electric Porsche is not a new idea. While in the employ of Jacob Lohner & Co Ferdinand Porsche developed…


What’s The Most Famous Porsche

It's been a week of fantasy and celebrity here at FlatSixes.com We started the week with a quest to fill…

Pepper Girl

Porsche Goes to Hollywood

We started the week by asking what Porsches you would choose to fill your dream garage given an unlimited budget.…


Filling Your Dream Garage

We were talking with friends the other day and the following hypothetical question was asked, “If you had an unlimited…

Pepper Girl

The Women of Rennlist and Project Rennwish

In 1998 John Dunkle, and his wife Jennifer, founded Rennlist. Through their hard work and dedication Rennlist grew into a…
