Does Driving a Singer-Customized Porsche Ruin Every Other 911?

By now, Porsche 911s customized by Singer (don’t you dare call it a Singer Porsche) have been reviewed ad nauseam. Chris Harris has driven one for /Drive in the past, Car and Driver explained the manufacturing process and Jay Leno got into the fray during an episode of Jay Leno’s Garage. Hell, even Larry Kosilla documented how to detail a Singer. In other words, we’ve seen this before. Surprisingly, what basically amounts to another commercial for Singer is still fun to watch. Mainly because the end product that Singer creates when they “reimagine” a 911 is just that outstanding. It’s hard to get tired of it.

Personally, I have yet to drive a 911 that’s received a magic makeover from Singer. Regardless, I can’t imagine it ruining me for all other 911s. Just like my 993 is a different driving experience than my ’73 911 and both are different than our Boxster, they all have their merits. Do I like driving one over the other, I’m not sure. What I do like is driving them as often as possible to try and figure it out…

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