Have You Seen the New Porsche Identity Video Yet?

If not, it’s well worth the watch. Not Porsche’s typical video, this youtube special uses today’s multimedia technology to explain the history of the 911 and how it all comes together to create a unique “identity”. Perhaps what I like the most is the movie like projections of past models on the ghost like frame work of the new 991. As Porsche themselves say, “it’s instantly recognizable”.

If you’re having trouble seeing the video in your email, simply visit our site to watch the new 911. Development of the Porsche Identity.

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Pepper Girl:

View Comments (3)

  • Great graphics, poor voiceover selection! This could have been much more effective with better direction. The announcer was annoying... reminds me of cylinders misfiring. My opinion.

  • Wow, great concept and very well done. I do agree with Bill, though. They could have made a better selection in regards to the voiceover

  • I agree with the other posts on the audio part. This video may be the complete master, out of which several smaller commercials will be built. That might explain why the voiceover text wasn't consistently building; it was sort of waxing and waning, like it was presented in segments.

    The visual parts flowed better, but I could see how one could carve out a 30-sec piece on the little boy, with him looking at the car, imagining it, etc, as an example of segmenting this presentation.

    Hope to see some of this during the SuperBowl. Still, the VW Star Wars (barking dogs) spoof is a better commercial. Check that one out - funny!

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