Aircooled Porsche extravaganza Luftgekuhlt is going to San Francisco

If you’ve been thinking it’s been a while since we had a Lufgekuhlt, you’re right. Luft 8 was held in Los Angeles last October, and five months is too long to go without a Luft. Thankfully the folks behind the event have decided to host one, and tout de suite! Coming up in late April, a bunch of aircooled cars are going to convene somewhere in the San Francisco Bay Area for what is sure to be another visual smorgasbord of Porsche history.

We don’t know quite yet where the event will be held, just that it’s somewhere within 50 miles of both SFO and OAK airports. That narrows it down quite a lot, but the bay area is still pretty tightly packed, so it could really be anywhere. Is it going to be at the Giant’s stadium on Embarcadero? Maybe it’ll be in an empty warehouse in the heart of the city. Maybe they’ll take over Treasure Island and pack it with Porsches, or ferry everyone out to Alcatraz (okay, that’s unlikely). Whatever venue they decided on, it’s sure to be a great one. That’s the thing about Luftgekuhlt shows that I’ve always appreciated, the venues are always as interesting and exciting as the cars they bring out. The brilliance of Jeff Zwart’s eye is that he can scope out the coolest places to put cars to make them an instagrammable moment.

It seems unlikely that the level of car quality will be anything but stellar at this show. Having spent a lot of time myself embroiled in the car culture in the SF Bay, there’s going to be a glut of vintage Porsches to choose from. I mean, Bruce Canepa’s shop is just an hour south of San Francisco, and you can bet he’ll do something silly like drive a 917 to the show because he’s Bruce Canepa. The bay area is also home to 000 Magazine, Excellence Magazine, Sharkwerks, Fantasy Junction, Issimi, Elephant Racing, Vonnen, and EASY for decades, just to name a few. There are plenty of cool Porsches hiding in the nooks and cranny’s of the bay.

It’s going to be a good show. Make sure you’re there.

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