Check Out This Faithful Fan-Made Matchbox Recreation Of Leh Keen’s Safari 911

By now, you’ve probably seen Leh Keen’s awesome ‘Safari’ 911. It is an amazing thing, that Porsche. With a rally light pod, a lift, some meaty tires, and a push bar, Mr. Keen was able to turn an awesome 911 into an inspirational one. It’s become an internet sensation over the last few months, and apparently two additional cars, clones of the first, are being built for friends of Keen. While rallying a 911 is hardly a new concept, Keen’s car just takes everything to the next level with custom interior and aesthetic choice.

The car had certainly captured the fancy of one intrepid fan (apparently from Hungary) named Jatekdoki, who decided to recreate the car in exacting painstaking detail in a much smaller scale. Using an old and ratty Matchbox 911 from the 1980s, as a starting point, this Porsche-nut was serious in his construction. The builder created his own ducktail, RSR mirrors, and rally light pod from scratch. Then he built the skid-plate/brush bar combination from painted copper, as well as a thicker gauge copper rollover bar. The interior is easily the most detailed piece of the build, including Leh’s signature beautiful tri-color interior fabric, which was hand painted on the model. You can see the full build on his site, here.

Perhaps the best part of this whole project is that Jatekdoki, known online as ‘Diecast SOS’, then decided that the best move would be to send the finished product to Leh as a gift. The scale model was then installed in its own custom-made Matchbox-style packaging After that hard work and determination, the miniature now resides in the same garage as its full-scale inspiration. Very cool work, and what a nice gesture!

Oh, and just because it exists, here’s a gif of Leh being a badass. Enjoy.

[Images Sourced From Jatekdoki.blog.hu and @LehmanK on Instagram. Gif posted on Reddit by user ‘antiworkactivist’.]

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