Categories: Humor

Have You Committed Any of These 7 Deadly Sins of Porsche Ownership?

Since I bought a Porsche Cayman over 2 years ago, I have learned the hard way that there is some etiquette to owning a Porsche. I was surprised to find that there are a number of embarrassing faux pas and potentially costly mistakes that other Porsche enthusiasts will frown upon.

I have committed my fair share of these Porsche “sins” over the past couple of years. In fact, I am quite familiar with the disapproving looks at Cars and Coffee and scathing comments on YouTube that follow each indiscretion. I suppose it comes with the territory when you’re a first time Porsche owner.

Through these experiences I have been able to compile a list of the Seven Deadliest Sins of Porsche ownership. Hopefully the list will help you save face at the next Cars and Coffee, or maybe even save some money. Please do not worry if you have already committed any of these “sins” yourself. I am evidence that you can still repent! Enjoy!

The 7 Deadly Sins of Porsche ownership

1. Slamming the front hood.
2. Using the wrong vocabulary like saying “Porsh” or “V6”.
3. Wearing Porsche branded apparel in public when it’s not appropriate.
4. Spending too much money at the Porsche dealership.
5. Letting other people drive your Porsche unsupervised.
6. Leaving your Porsche out in the sun on a hot humid day.
7. Using an Automatic car wash.

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Noah Kaczor:

View Comments (16)

    • No, it’s called a boxer design; Boxster was a model name in the 718 Porsche line. 90 seconds of research will confirm this fact. The reason it is called a boxer design is that the cylinders are 180 degrees opposed and move like a boxer... 100 years ago, when the concept was pioneered, boxing was a big draw.

  • It's very obvious from "your" list of 7 sins, that you are a youngster and had not educated yourself before you became a PORSCHE owner.

  • You failed sin 1 again. You never push down on the hood emblem, it’s the weakest part of the hood. You push down with both hands about a foot apart and the emblem in the middle.

      • Actually, the best way to latch the front and rear lids of a 911/912 is to use the edge of your hand, with your fingers straightened like you were applying a karate chop, but pressing down firmly on the leading edge. The sheet metal is doubled and reinforced all along the inside edge and is thus the strongest. Using the side of your hand distributes the pressure and prevents damage. On a 356, of course, the death penalty should be assessed to anyone who tries to push the lids down without first lifting them to free the support mechanism.

    • You push lightly on the emblem after you have moved the lifting lever on the left surely?

  • Forgot to add that our beloved boxer engine is technically a Vee design of 180 degrees...
    A very flat Vee, to be sure...but still a Vee. That’s how Ferrari usually describes its flat V12.

  • Boxer is a technical description of an engine layout, (VW, 356, 911 etc) but is also the name of a stunningly beautiful Ferrari, the first 12 cylinder mid-engine and the first flat 12 from the late '70's early 80's.
    On another topic, I was told to shut the engine lid on a 911 (no wing) by pushing in the middle of the grill so as not to dent the sheet metal. It uses the inertia of the lid to close the latch. Anyone ever try this?

  • I watched the first minute or so and thought a knucklehead and then when he said you can let some else drive your Porsche i knew he is a knucklehead.