This guy is such a Porsche fanatic, they named a color after him

One of the many compelling things about the Porsche brand is its paint to sample program. Porsche knows that its…

Bradley Brownell

The best car wash mitts to avoid scratching your car

When it comes to washing my car, I've already shared recommendations on several products I use: a pressure washer, a…

Jason Siu

A Porsche 964 Carrera RS 3.8 is the hero of the new Transformers movie

If you were paying attention to the commercials during the big game last night, you'd have seen the first trailer…

Bradley Brownell

Porsche teammates finish well in India Formula E race while Andretti struggles

Porsche had a very interesting weekend at the Hyderabad E-Prix over in India, starting with some serious adversity and overcoming…

Bradley Brownell

Best Porsche LEGO sets

You likely played with them when you were a kid; ignored them when you were a teen; and now as…

Jason Siu

The best foam cannons to help keep your Porsche clean

I don't think I've ever met a Porsche owner who didn't love caring for their car. I mean, have you…

Jason Siu

The best car wash soaps to keep your Porsche clean

I always find it interesting to read online discussions about car wash soaps. For many car owners, all car wash…

Jason Siu

The best car waxes to keep your Porsche smooth and shiny

For decades, the car wax market was mostly stagnant. The car wax your parents used probably wasn't much different than…

Jason Siu

Aircooled Porsche extravaganza Luftgekuhlt is going to San Francisco

If you've been thinking it's been a while since we had a Lufgekuhlt, you're right. Luft 8 was held in…

Bradley Brownell

The best headlight restoration kits

If you own a Porsche, there's a real good chance that you're going to keep it for many years. Or…

Jason Siu