It took a little longer than expected, but 3 1/2 years since we were first introduced to that very memorable video featuring the stop motion tear-down of a Porsche Carrera 3.2 engine, the sequel is finally here. Created by the same cast of characters as the last video, this newest version follows a Porsche 2.0 engine getting “morphed” into a 2.5 SRT version for an upcoming Magnus Walker build.
The video speaks for itself from a quality standpoint. Although the music and strangely inappropriate animations comes across a bit “suggestive”, we find it oddly suitable given how much we like the subject of the video itself. This is Porsche porn at its finest.
We’ve reached out to both Magnus and Matthias (the builder of the engine) for more details on the build and the video and will update this post as we learn more. For now, just enjoy.