Porsche does! Unlike the multitude of definitions available on the web about what makes a car a “classic” one, Porsche has a very specific definition. Generally, Porsche Classic looks after those vehicles whose production was discontinued at least 10 years previously. Both the Porsche Boxster Type 986 and the Porsche 911 Type 996 qualify and were added to the range last month.

1997-2004 Boxster Type 986
What Does This Mean To You?
If you own one of these models, you can now officially call it a “classic”. At least in the eyes of Porsche. More importantly, it ensures that parts for the 986 Boxster and the 996 911 will be available for years to come. The 986 Boxster covers model years 1997-2004 for a total production of 164,874 Porsches. The 911 996 covers model years 1998-2005 for a total production of 172,262 Porsches. Porsche Classic will offer 8,400 part number and 13,500 part numbers for each model, respectively.
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[Source: Porsche Classic]