Are you a Porsche owner or do you aspire to own a Porsche? Are you a Porsche enthusiast or fan? If you answered yes to either of those questions and you enjoy writing then please read on. needs a few guest posts and I’m hoping that some of you, as readers, might have something Porsche related you want to write about and share with …
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Recent Posts from: LifeStyle
Changing the oil in your Porsche. Man vs. Woman.
Okay, so today's post is a little off-center from the norm. However, I decided it was time for a little humor. I found this particular joke in the Off-Topic thread on Rennlist. The author of the post couldn't remember where he had heard it but was fine with me reposting it here on Oil Change instructions for Women: Pull up to Jiffy …
Continue to the full articlePoll Results: Do Porsche Drivers Get Unfairly Profiled
It’s amazing how quickly things come and go in the media. One minute a story is everywhere, the next minute it’s gone. Andy Warhol was more right than he could have ever known with his statement: “In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.” Take this post (Too Pretty to Fly) from a few weeks back about the two USF students who …
Continue to the full articleToo Pretty to Fly (I Mean Drive)?
If you’ve watched the news over the last week or so I’m sure you’ve seen the coverage on the two USF Students (Nisreen Swedberg and Sarah Williams) who were escorted off a Southwest Airlines plane. They claim, according to Williams, they were discriminated against because “we were young, decent-looking girls. I mean nobody else on the plane …
Continue to the full articlePoll Results: How Fast Have you Driven your Porsche?
A couple weeks ago I asked the question how fast have you driven your Porsche on the road? I placed the poll here and also at A number of you responded and the results, well they speak for themselves. Lot's of people driving fast From a total of 78 responses almost 60% of you said you have driven at 140 mph +. That’s a lot of people …
Continue to the full articleVideo of Porsche Police Chase
>We spend a good portion of our days here at surfing the web and looking for Porsche related subjects and ideas. As a result, we have a fairly intricate system of automated alerts that let us know when there is something new going on in the world of Porsche. New Porsche Video So, last week when an alert popped up announcing a …
Continue to the full articleIs Flat Black the new Black for Porsche?
In 2006 you may have started to hear a car referred to as being “murdered out”. I say "may have" because if you’re not in your late teens, or early 20’s and/or have some kids at home, you may not be familiar with the term. As a general rule of thumb, if you are over the age of 30, you probably shouldn’t be walking around using phrases like “that …
Continue to the full articleJoey Porsche (aka “Joey FcUkin Carrera” and Friends)
They just won't go away (click on the image to the left for a full size view!!). When I posted the story on “Joey FcUkin Carrera” I had absolutely no idea the response it would generate. I was simply trying to define the meaning of Porsche Culture or, in this case, what it doesn’t mean. These guys are not new. However, in the last week, my site …
Continue to the full articleSlow Traffic Keep Right!!! Please?
In two of my last posts I talked about driving fast and a few precautionary steps to take if you are going to drive fast. Today’s post is an off-shoot of these and just a bit of a rant. Not Porsche specific per-se’, but more general ranting about driving, the rules of the road and the fact that either no one understands them (it’s more likely …
Continue to the full articlePorsche Magazines: What’s Available for the Porsche Fan.
I’m a pretty voracious reader. I have fairly eclectic tastes and tend to read all sorts of different genres when it comes to books. However, when it comes to my Porsche, I don’t have a huge amount of choices. Today’s post is a listing of the resources, I'm aware of, (in Magazine format) for the Porsche fan. What I’m hoping is that you, loyal …
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