I spend a good amount of time reading through news alerts and other items of interest looking for things to pass along here on PorschePurist. For the most part, the information is generally main stream and covers new car introductions, motorsport, various lifestyle issues, Porsche related car shows, etc. etc. Occasionally, something pops up that is so out of the ordinary, so “left of center” that I can’t resist posting about it. This story, while leaning a bit toward garish, is no different.
According the the Herald Sun (an Australian Newspaper) the victim, Victor Pierce, was shot to death while sitting in his car. The accused, Andrew “Benji” Veniamin, apparently drove up next to Pierce’s parked car and fired multiple shots into the driver’s side window, killing Pierce almost instantly.

Prior to setting out on his dastardly deed, Veniamin made the decision not to drive his silver Porsche to the “hit”. Not only would the Porsche help to identify him, but more importantly his vanity plate “HOTSHOT” was too memorable and somehow morbidly apropos.
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[Source: Herald Sun]