Mr. Guo bought his Cayenne Turbo in July of 2011 for $2.7 million yuan (if Google’s math is correct, and I’m sure it is, that’s $423,000 bucks!) from a dealer in Taiyuan China. About a year after Guo purchased the Cayenne he claims the brakes failed while parking in an underground garage. As a result, the Porsche hit a wall causing damage to the front end of the car and seriously injuring a passenger (how fast could he have been going?).

Apparently, Guo went to his dealer looking for new brakes and damages for the injured passenger. The dealer found nothing wrong with the brakes and, according to the article we found all this info in, didn’t feel they should pay Mr. Guo anything. Turns out, Mr. Guo isn’t the type of person that takes no for an answer, regardless if he’s right or wrong.

Unhappy with how things turned out, Guo hired two women (models apparently) to pose with his damaged Cayenne while wearing nothing but skimpy outfits and body paint. In case your wondering the characters on the girls body mean “protect” and “rights”. Check out the revised Porsche logo on the girl on the left (skull and crossbones anyone?).

No word on if the dealer is reconsidering their position, but Mr. Guo now has the attention of the local (and international media) and police are investigating. Let’s just hope his Porsche isn’t one of the Cayennes affected by the recent recall for fire risk due to turbine wheel failure.
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[Source: CarNewsChina]