Back in late summer through early fall of last year Porsche started to heavily promote their Winter Driving programs (we learned how much it would cost and what to expect if we participated). Then in January of this year we were invited to a miniature version at Sugarbush Resort in VT. Well, the four February waves of participants in Camp4 Canada recently finished up their 2013 classes and Porsche put our the first video of what it was like last week. The video below is the long version of the total experience (While watching you can see how there’s an opportunity to make other shorter videos from this one) that we got our hand on thanks to Porsche Car Canada. After our experience in VT we knew we wanted to try this at some point, this video just drives the point further home. Enjoy!
I think my favorite part is around the 3 minute mark where they show the facial expressions of passengers getting a “hot-lap” around the course. It reminds me of the GT3 video from a couple of years ago.

Passenger experiencing a “hot-lap” at Camp4 Canada 2013
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[Source: PCC and Lapland Memories]