Admit it, it happens to all of us at one time or another. You’re driving along and someone does something that sets your blood boiling and puts you into the red zone; Road rage. For most of us, that means a moment or two of apoplexy. Or, if we’re not quite that enraged, maybe some shouting and finger salutes. Hopefully, that’s as far as it goes. Unfortunately, for this Porsche driver, and his Porsche, police say things went much further.

Photo via Leesburg, VA Police Department
According to the story we read, the driver of a Porsche 911 Carrera was involved in two separate road rage incidents. Police say everything began just before 1:00 pm on Friday the 17th when they began receiving calls about an ongoing “road rage incident” between two vehicles. The driver of a 2012 Freightline box truck saw the incident unfolding behind him and attempted to clear the area by turning onto an off-ramp, exiting both the freeway and the danger area.
Allegedly, done with the altercation with the first car, the Porsche tried to take the same ramp as the Freightliner. As the truck driver slowed to navigate the turn of the off-ramp he was rear-ended by the 911 driver who couldn’t slow down in time. Adding insult to injury police say the obviously enraged driver of the Porsche then came along the side of the truck and began “intentionally ramming” his Porsche into its side, “in the area of the fuel tank”, multiple times. While both truck and 911 were damaged, you can see from the pictures above that the Porsche took the worst of it (big surprise).
By now, police had arrived on scene, separated the parties involved and began to investigate all that incurred. David Ray Godfrey, the 69-year old driver of the Porsche, was arrested and charged with attempted malicious wounding and reckless driving.
Pretty much all road rage is dumb, but ramming a giant box truck with a 911? That’s just plain stupid. Fortunately, there were no personal injuries suffered by anyone. Let’s be safe out there people!
[Source: The Washington Post]