When we ran a special offer for the Official 2012 Porsche Calendar with Collector Coin< in conjunction with SuncoastParts.com a few years ago we weren't sure what to expect (see current offer for 2015 Porsche Calendar) While we knew the discount would be well received, we really weren’t ready for the fast and overwhelming response we received. Apparently Suncoast sold out of their stock within a few hours of our email going out. Your response got us wondering. Was it the great price? Was it the calendar? We never really considered it might be the collector coin.
Exploring Porsche Calendar Coins
Porsche first produced their calendar in 1954, but the coins didn’t appear until 1962. Now, half a century later, there’s a coin for each of the last 50 years and some of them are in high demand by collectors. All but a few of the earlier coins (’62, ’63, ’67 and ’75) and one of the modern coins (2001) showcase a particular Porsche model on one side and the year or some other Porsche related engraving on the opposite side. It should come as no surprise that the earlier the coin the higher the demand.
Porsche Coin Pricing
In 2012, the official Porsche Calendar retails for $59.99 (they’re sold out online, but you might be able to find one at your local dealer). I haven’t yet seen just the coin for sale, but I’m sure you’ll see them soon on ebay.
- Coins from 2000 through today look like they can be purchased from $5 to $15 depending on condition and seller’s expectations.
- Coins from the mid ’80s to the late ’90s are currently selling in the $10 to $25 range and can sometimes be found at the low end of this if you buy a set of multiple years.
- Coins from ’62 to the early ’80s vary greatly in pricing. We’ve seen asking prices as high as $550
for a ’62 all the way down to $30
for coins in the late ’70s and early ’80s.
We haven’t seen a ton of coverage on these coins in the past. However, threads on various Porsche forums indicate that interest might be increasing and we’re working on rounding out our collection. If you’re thinking of collecting or recently started, be sure to shop around. Ebay seems to have a good supply from various sellers and a search through some of the more popular Porsche forums will usually pay off. Lastly, you can usually find some, if not all, of these coins at the larger Porsche swap meets. Happy Collecting! We’ll be posting an album Porsche calendar coins from each year on our Facebook page in the coming days and weeks.
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[Picture Source: ebay]