The following Panamera pictures, submitted by a friend and loyal reader of, were taken in High Level, Alberta Canada. For those of you not familiar with High Level (I’ll assume that’s most everyone) it’s a small city on the way to the North West Territories where Porsche is known to do cold weather testing in Yellowknife (just 250 miles south of the arctic circle.) If any of you have something Porsche related, that might be of interest to other readers, please don’t hesitate to forward it along.
To the best of my knowledge, these pictures have never before been published anywhere. What makes them so different from all other Panamera spy shots out on the internet are the quality and proximity. Instead of being taken by a shaky cell phone cam at 70 mph on the highway, or a telephoto lens from a distance, the majority of these shots were taken up close, in the parking lot of a hotel where the support team was resting for the evening.
Porsche Panamera SpyShots
Of particular interest are the three photographs below. The first is a picture taken of the undercarriage of a Panamera as it rested beneath its cover for the night. The second two pictures are highly detailed closeups of the rear quarter panel and rear end of the car itself. What I like about these picture is how clearly we can see the camo that’s being used to mask the true shape. After seeing these pictures I’m starting to feel a lot better that we’re all in for a a big and pleasant surprise when the car is unveiled in its entirety.
Below are even more pictures for your viewing please. Click on any of the thumbs below to see the full-size image.

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