Okay, this is almost getting to be routine. In the last week I've talked twice about the Porsche 911 being the benchmark to compare all other supercars to. Well, it seems that a lot of other people feel the same way too. Read the Press Release below from Porsche: Stuttgart. This morning Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart, received the …
Continue to the full articleRecent Posts from the blog
Porsche 911 the “Benchmark” Once Again?
Just last week I asked the question Is Porsche the "Benchmark" for all other Supercars? Since then I've been inundated with emails from readers. Some agree, some don't and others wanted to know how I was defining a "Supercar". So for starters, let's define the term. According to Wikipedia - Supercar is a term generally used for a high-end …
Continue to the full articlePre Purchase Inspection (PPI) for your Porsche (Part I of II)
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I just love the internet. The amount of information available at your fingertips is amazing (if not overwhelming). It's not only information that is available, it's product and merchandise too. In the case of this post, used Porsches. You may have notice that I recently added a new page to this site …
Continue to the full articleThis is Pure Porsche Fan Porn! A Video History of one of the Best Known Porsche Builders; Ruf.
The more I research and write for this blog the more I enjoy what the internet has to offer. You can find so much good content if you only look in the right places. The following four-part video series is a documentary on RUF. For those of you who are new to Porsche, RUF is one of the top three Porsche builders today and some may say the best! …
Continue to the full articleFinding a Porsche in Stock at your Local Dealer may get Harder
Porsche is not known for making many announcements about their financial position (good or bad) it's one of the things that make me have a love hate relationship with them. The following announcement was released today from Stuttgart. What intriqued me the most was the following statement: Porsche is well-prepared for a possible economic crisis …
Continue to the full articleIs Porsche the “Benchmark” for all Other Super-Cars?
Last week we had posted an article regarding a road test of the new Nissan GT-R, its performance and the fact that they tested it against a Porsche 997 Twin Turbo. Since then, there has been an interesting thread on Rennlist debating a video of Nissan GT-R vs. a Porsche 997 Twin Turbo. At the heart of the debate is the question "was the video …
Continue to the full articlePorsche 993 C4S vs. Maserati Coupe
I was driving by a friend's office the other day and noticed a new sports coupe parked where I was used to seeing his 1999 996 Carrera. After a few days of seeing this new, different car, I sent off a quick email asking him if he had made a switch. His response was "yes" he did indeed trade-in his Porsche toward a new ride and, more shocking to me, …
Continue to the full articleDrifting a Porsche Carrera GT in the Alps
This following video is narrated in German (auf Deutsch), but the sound of the motor and the driving speak for themselves. I have to give you fair warning, it is over 5 minutes long (and it's more education vs. driving between 2:15 and 3:30) but the best driving and camera work comes after 3:30, even a little slow motion drifting). Watch as …
Continue to the full articlePorsche Factory Service Bulletins
I recently received an email from one of my readers (thanks Kirk) that provided the catalyst for this post on Service Bulletings. I think it is good advice for first time Porsche owners and everyone else alike. I wanted to use this opportunity to pass some of it along. I'm sure most of you are aware of the Factory Service Bulletins that are …
Continue to the full articleWhat is a Porsche Certificate of Authenticity and Why is it Important to Have?
WHAT IS A PORSCHE CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY? - A Porsche Certificate of Authenticity is a valuable document that comes directly from the Porsche factory. Included on the document is the original build information specific to your Porsche. It includes your Porsche's original factory specs (options you ordered with your car), your Porsche's …
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