Racing on snowy roads while wearing summer tires is never a wise idea, but one Kazakhstani man seems to have missed that memo. This Mirror article informed us of a man alleged to have more money than sense who, after challenging a BMW driver on a snowy road in Almaty, Kazakhstan, lost control of his Panamera and spun into a Sino Oil gas station. The below video captures pedestrians scrambling for their lives; some just avoiding the spinning Porsche before it collided with the gas pumps.
This close-captioned footage shows people running for their lives and narrowly escaping. Yet some, according to the story we read, found the opportunity to crack wise with some gallows humor.
“Of course they had to try to make a gas station explode, so this snow would melt,” said one online commentator. Another, somewhat callously, added, “This is the law of natural selection in action.” Perhaps they’re correct, but you can’t help but feel somewhat saddened by a Panamera meeting such a dismal and unfitting end—the station didn’t even explode. That way, at least, the car would’ve gone down in flames.

One pedestrian (left) desperately scrambles to barely avoid the Panamera