Early this morning Porsche officially, officially released pictures and video of the long awaited, family friendly Porsche; the 2010 Porsche Panamera. Why “officially, officially” you ask? Well, in the event you’ve been living in a cave, the first pictures were
placed by Porsche leaked last Friday by Autotelegraph in the Netherlands, followed quickly by additional images on Supercars.net. Immediately after each release leak, just about every major automotive publication, on-line news site, Porsche forum and garage run blog was jumping on the bandwagon to perpetuate the hype (yours truly included.)
The rumor mill ran over-time prior to today’s announcements. What would the finished product look like? What are the specs? Is it really two inches longer than an S class Mercedes? Today, many of those questions have been answered and yes, the released leaked pictures we saw prior to today were the genuine article (not something created in Photoshop as many have stated.) Pricing and performance remain to be seen, but I’m sure the reviews will start trickling in shortly. I for one have already thrown my hat in the ring for a chance at piloting this four door behemoth around my local back roads and byways.

Say what you want about the car itself, but when was the last time the “official” release of a four door sedan created so much interest and intensity within the automotive community (and all this nine months before the official launch)? In fact, I can’t think of another vehicle that so polarized speed junkies and car pundits since, well – the Porsche Cayenne maybe? It seems you either love it or hate it, with little to no room in-between. Where do you stand? I’ll start things off; I’m a fan but still want to drive one before giving a final decision.
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